Law Firm Registration Overview
To file claims with the Kaiser Silica Personal Injury Trust (the “Trust”), a law firm must complete registration through this web site, or the law firm must complete the Law Firm Registration Form, which is available through this web site under the Firm Registration tab, or by contacting the Trust c/o Verus Claims Services, LLC, 3967 Princeton Pike, Princeton, NJ 08540.
Validation Process
After submission of the Law Firm Registration Form, the Trust will take such actions as it, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate to verify that the registering law firm has provided correct information, and is entitled to submit claims to the Trust on behalf of claimants.
Each Law Firm must choose a Law Firm Code that will be used to identify the Law Firm.
Obtaining your Law Firm Code
The Law Firm Code may be obtained by completing and returning a printable form or by proceeding to the next page and providing the required information online. Should you have questions regarding either process, please contact Trust Support. Printed forms should be mailed to the Trust c/o Verus Claims Services, LLC, 3967 Princeton Pike, Princeton, NJ 08540, or emailed to Trust Support.
It is suggested that a Law Firm Code be chosen so it can be easily remembered. Once your Law Firm Code has been obtained, it should be used when communicating claims' information to the Facility. This will enable us to properly link submitted claims to your Law Firm, which will in turn permit us to customize communications and reports, and process claims quickly, accurately, and efficiently.
To register on-line, click Register Law Firm below. If you choose to register by mail, click here to download a Law Firm Registration Form.
Register Law Firm